
How to Change the Start Chat Icon Position


Click on your chatbot to open it.

Click on your chatbot to open it.

Click on "Appearance" to open this page.

Click on "Appearance" to open this page.

Scroll down and select an option on the "Start Chat Icon Position". If you want the chat window to show on the left side, just click on "Left", otherwise, click on "Right"

Scroll down and select an option on the "Start Chat Icon Position". If you want the chat window to show on the left side, just click on "Left", otherwise, click on "Right"

You can see the start chat icon position here.

You can see the start chat icon position here.

Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

You can also alert people to the chatbot on your website by playing a sound when the visitor first arrives.

You can also alert people to the chatbot on your website by playing a sound when the visitor first arrives.

You can choose a sound from the drop-down menu. You use this "Icon" to test the sound.

You can choose a sound from the drop-down menu. You use this "Icon" to test the sound.

Done 🚀

Done 🚀